Laurie Asperas Valayer
Folks, we are playing with fire, getting burned, and wasting fresh water! Yes, the world is evolving toward green electricity, but not fast enough! The majority of electricity still comes from burning fossil fuels in steam power plants that are so inefficient, they produce twice as much heat as electricity, consuming $500B of fuel per year.
Our technologists have architected a solution that jointly optimizes electricity generation & use. Specifically, we’ve developed software that forecasts the optimum load shape for generating electricity, which is least expensive when all thermal generators are operating at a their highest efficiency and renewable resources are fully utilized.
Imagine your thermostats following the cheapest and cleanest supply of electricity to heat, cool rooms, and make hot water. This is key, because doing so maximizes the efficiency of generation, storage, and the use of renewables like wind and solar power.
The savings are proportional to the number of participating connected devices including electric vehicle chargers and storage systems. Savings increase as we further electrify buildings and transportation.
This disruptive technology stands to go viral as it leverages the Internet of Things (IoT) to broadcast optimum load shapes directly to connected devices.
In a nutshell, our solution quantifies the monetary & environmental benefits of optimally shaping electric load, maximizes renewables, minimizes global warming, conserves our precious water, revitalizes transportation, and makes the world a sustainable place.